
BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p

sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014

LocalBitcoins Trading API

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Hello developers,

LocalBitcoins is proud to announce automated trading support on both online and local trades. Previously only buying Bitcoins with cash was supported through API.

In addition there is a full dashboard API available to cultivate and monitor your currently active and past trades.

The expanded API is available immediately. Please refer to the API documentation for the up-to-date details.

The API enables faster, more reliable trading. You can use the API to automate and enforce your business logic and earn more, or just to lose the hassle in filing the tax report.

Your feedback is important in the direction and focus of the development of the API. Please do continue to contact about your issues and wishes about the API as well as about your use cases either to our support form or by joining our chat.

View the original article here

AppId is over the quota

After the South Korean payment gateway giant, Galaxia Communications, announced to join Bitcoin payment method, thousands of websites from South Korea will embrace Bitcoins.

Galaxia Communications is one of the top three online payment companies in South Korea. This company has more than 10,000 customers both inside and outside of South Korea. It also is the top seller for mobile gift card and coupon in South Korea. The cooperated Bitcoin payment processor is Coinplug, which provides technology support for Bitcoin transaction.

The vice president and COO of Galaxia Communications, Yongkwang Kim, said the first time he heard about Bitcoin is just last year. Now he already has his own Bitcoin wallet. Kim also stated that persuading other staff of the company to accept Bitcoin is still challenging, since there is lots of negative news about digital currency, which makes bitcoin look unreliable. Kim also emphasised that there is no big problem in technical implementation:"We have operated many other payment methods. The operation of Bitcoin payment is relatively easier."


View the original article here

quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

Unexpected Downtime Solved, Infrastructure Upgraded

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Our server had gone down yesterday. The reason might be hardware failure. We are researching the issue and trying to get the site back up.

The LocalBitcoins Team

Update: the service is now up. The reason behind the downtime was network hardware failure. Now we have moved our servers to another hosting provider.

View the original article here

AppId is over the quota
type="html">LocalBitcoins has updated its servers to fix OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability this morning.

The downtime was due to necessary security updates related to the Heartbleed bug. This is a serious security issue affecting most of the Internet. The issue was disclosed some hours ago.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this incident.


Advertisements disabled - manual action needed

If you are running trade advertisements on LocalBitcoins you may need to re-enable your LocalBitcoins advertisements.

Due to impact of OpenSSL updates on LocalBitcoins and the Internet, LocalBitcoins did not have valid Bitcoin market exchange rate data available. Because LocalBitcoins users price their advertisement based on different exchange rates they choose, and those exchange rates could not be read, the advertisement where disabled by an automatic process.

Go to your Dashboard on LocalBitcoins. If your advertisement shows a valid price, you can click Enabled / Disabled column to make your advertisement visible again.

We also recommend LocalBitcoins users to use min() and max() functions in the pricing equation to have ceiling and floor values against the volatility of Bitcoin exchange rate.


Security certificate changed

As the Heartbleed bug caused potential security certificate leak,  LocalBitcoins team took action to revoke and replace it. You may receive browser warnings about changed security certificate.

View the original article here

LocalBitcoins security updates and tips

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type="html">Bitcoin users are high value targets for cyber criminals. Thus LocalBitcoins is improving the site  security continuously to keep Bitcoin community safe. Please read in this blog how to secure your LocalBitcoins account and what LocalBitcoins team is doing to keep up the security.

Keep up your basic security

Here are some basic rules for securing your user account.
  • Enable two-factor authentication, either by mobile app or paper codes. More than 99% of the attacks against you can be prevented with two-factor authentication. It takes only few minutes to set it up.
  • Do not share your password across different websites.
  • Do not publish your email address, associated with your LocalBitcoins account, on any website. Do not get involved transactions outside the LocalBitcoins site messaging, e.g. in Skype. The malicious users often use these channels to circumvent the security features present on LocalBitcoins.
  • Do not use the website from a shared computers or devices, like ones in public internet cafes, as they may have keyloggers installed to steal your user credentials. 
  • Always when logging in to the website, read the browser address bar and check that you are logging into and not a phishing domain. Make sure the spelling is exactly, as the phishers, especially email phisheres, often register domain names resembling domain name.
  • If possible when accessing user accounts with Bitcoin wallets, do this from a dedicated computer you have reserved for financial tasks only. Do not use this computer for other tasks. Do not install third party software and browser addons you cannot trust 100%. This greatly reduces the risk of getting malware infection on the computer.  
  • Keep most of Bitcoins safe offline in a cold wallet. We recommend specialized Bitcoin wallet applications like Electrum for this purpose.

New LocalBitcoins security features

We have rolled out some new user facing security features this week.
  • You cannot use the same LocalBitcoins logged in session across different IP addresses. This prevents session hijacking attacks against LocalBitcoins users, but may also cause minor inconvenience for the legit users. This is especially case if you use LocalBitcoins on a mobile device where your IP address may change often.
  • LocalBitcoins may interrupt your normal website actions in the case there is a chance that the action  might not be started by the legit user account owner. In this case you will get an email verification to ensure that it was you who really wanted to perform the action.

Some latest security threads affecting Bitcoin users

Here are some latest threads Bitcoin community has found targetting Bitcoin users. Keep your eyes open for these.

View the original article here

LocalBitcoins Responds To The Ukraine/Russia Crisis

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Is your country going to war, and your national currency value is dropping like bomb? Or is your country in crisis, and the banks are implementing currency controls? Only able to withdraw $100 cash per day?

You know the solution... Check it out below.

Bitcoin sellers/buyers in Russia
Bitcoin sellers/buyers in Ukraine

Or spread the word and earn Bitcoins using our Affiliate Program.

View the original article here

Secure your account with login guard

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type="html">Login guard is the latest account security feature on LocalBitcoins. If your LocalBitcoins account is being accessed from a web browser or a device not seen before an email confirmation is required when logging in.

Login guard is automatically enabled for all new users. The old users can enable the login guard in their profile settings.  Login guard is effective protection against phishing attacks and we hope to see the reduction of successful phishing attacks targeting new users.

LocalBitcoins works actively towards making it safer to purchase and use bitcoins. During this year there has been visible increase in attack against bitcoin users in all major bitcoin services and local bitcoin wallets stored on your computer.

Below are some highlights of LocalBitcoins security progress.

Two-factor activation rate progress

Two-factor is one of the most effective ways to prevent account hacks. Even online games incentive players to activate two-factor for their in-game accounts.

The above chart shows the percentage of the LocalBitcoins users who activated two-factor authentication after the email verification. One can see there is clear progress going on and educating the new users is working. Some methods how we have achieved this are explained below.

A security brief for new users

After the email verification every new user is presented a choice for two-factor activation. We cannot force the users to activate the two-factor authentication, but we very clearly state one should do so.

Weak account security is highlighted

If the account security settings are weak this fact is highlighted to the user all the time they are logged in.

Two-factor email reminders

If anybody has bitcoins in their wallet and never activated two-factor authentication a reminder email is sent.

View the original article here

segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014

A Quick Goodie From CoinVisitor (1 update)

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AppId is over the quota
Today I'll tell you a fast way to earn a good amount of bitcoins for free. We already know CoinVisitor. They give you free bitcoins for visiting websites. And now if you Like CoinVisitor and send a tweet to CoinVisitor they'll reward you too!

A nice reward awaits you!

How To Proceed

  • You will need a Facebook account and a Twitter account to do this, so if you haven't joined these social networks yet, register now!
  • Create a new bitcoin address to assure yourself that CoinVisitor rewards you for liking and tweeting them. Or use the one you created when you got your bitcoins from BTC For Me. Or the one you created to surf webs at CoinVisitor! You decide.
  • Log into Facebook. Go to ConVisitor's Facebook page and Like them. Post a message on their wall with your bitcoin address.

The Facebook page of CoinVisitor

  • Log into Twitter. Send them a tweet with your bitcoin address and wait until you get a sweet goodie on your wallet! :-) Update 1, 03/03/2013: Send a tweet to @coinvisitor, not to @BitcoinMaster!

Oh, let's see...


Opportunity Review:

  • Expected profit: 5/5. 2500µ?. Once. Awesome!
  • Convenience: 4/5. Tweet them, Like them and wait. Fast if you already are registered on the main social networks of the Internet.
  • Payment speed: 3/5. In a few hours you'll have 1/400 more bitcoins to hoard.
  • Risk: 0/5. None. The bitcoins are free.
  • Final Score: 9/10. Don't skip this opportunity. There's no other way to get so many free bitcoins in so little time!

View the original article here

Beware Of These Scams!

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AppId is over the quota
There are websites that claim to give you free Bitcoins and then don't do it. That's pretty bad; they should stop being online until they work correctly or be forever removed from the Internet. But there's something far worse, and those are the sites that don't only scam you, but actively try to steal your Bitcoins from you. During the past days I've found three examples. Ignore them if you ever stumble upon them!

All your Bitcoins are belong to me!

Since all the following websites seem to have been made by the same person (pictured above), let's give him a name... For example, "Mr. Thief". Before we explore them, let me take my hat...

... My magnifying glass...

... And a nice smoking pipe.

Now we are ready to investigate these scams!

I'm ready!

1. The Bitcoin Faucet!

This site tries to pass as one more bitcoin faucet. The first time you see it you'll realize something that will make you raise your eyebrows at once: it gives out one whole bitcoin. A hundred million satoshis! Not even the original bitcoin faucet gave such a huge amount.


And also, the name of the blog creator doesn't inspire too much trust: Scrotum Confiscate. Yup. At least he is honest with his surname: he will try to confiscate your bitcoins.

Cute name...

The site has been redesigned several times during the last two weeks. At the moment I'm writing this it states there's 0.64990 bitcoins in the faucet, but it's had other amounts, like 0.7XXXX if I remember correctly.

Or 0.28374. Or 0.82736. Who cares. This is a scam!

It didn't have the captcha at the beginning. I guess Mr. Thief added it to increase the credibility of his scam. If you input your bitcoin address, solve the captcha and click on "WITHDRAW" nothing happens. It doesn't even reload the page. The button is purely an aesthetic element...

Ooooh, how professional it looks!... But it doesn't work

Let's analyze the bitcoin address it provides us to donate and fill the faucet. If you check out its transaction record you'll see it wasn't very successful during the first days it was created, but during the last week it received several incoming transactions of around 0.27 bitcoins, which Mr. Thief usually gambles away on the SatoshiDice game:

Mr. Thief likes gambling. And he is a loser. Literally. He gambles all he has until he loses everything

It's never received enough to make one whole bitcoin, so it's a lie that it has made three payouts, as it tries to make us believe.

It's especially funny the one made the second of February; the address didn't exist yet at that time!

It's pretty bad that several people fell for this. Hopefully nobody else does. Mr. Thief advertises this site on CoinVisitor, Earn Free Bitcoins and the comment boxes of CoinTube, so beware (I've warned the first two of this scam and they will remove this site from their list).

2. Satoshi Dice

This is another blog made by the same person (Scrotum Confiscate). He goes on a rant about how greedy the SatoshiDice game is, how bad their creators are and how it works. According to him, there are some SatoshiDice addresses that give over 100% of your bet with a 100% chance... I don't even know where I should begin with this one... What the hell is he talking about? How does he know? Why does he share it instead of keeping the secret? This is so ridiculous...

These are the magical addresses

To the Bitcoin newbie, more than the explanation he tries to articulate, what might make them think this is legit is that the three addresses have the characteristic beginning "1dice..." found on all SatoshiDice addresses. They don't know you can make addresses like that with this tool. Let's see how many people fell for this scam:

If you check out the link above you'll count around 12 people who sent amounts of 0.01 bitcoins or more to the first address. Twelve bitcoin users scammed. And Mr. Thief also gambles away his bounty at SatoshiDice, as always. Let's move on to the next address:

If you count this time you'll see over 20 people scammed. The greater the reward, the greater the chance to fall on the trap, or so it seems. Let's see the last fake SatoshiDice address:

I count 14 people scammed. No wonder he went as far as to advertise his scams on several websites with all the bitcoins he must have stolen this way...

To finish off the only post Mr. Thief made on this blog, he sends all the prospective or already scammed people a sweet message:

Yeah, FUCK YOU too!!!

3. Free 1 BTC

This "Free 1 BTC" web says it will give you out 1 BTC when the pool is filled. This time we see an almost full "current pool" which has 0.923359BTC. As if there was a script calculating how much you should donate to fill the pool, you are also informed that 0.066741BTC are needed for that purpose. First mistake that Mr. Thief makes: 0.923359 + 0.066741 = 0.990100, not 1.000000. Mr. Thief failed maths when he was in school; that's why he tries to scam people now.

Basic maths...

Let's analyze the bitcoin address he supplies to send donations. It has been generated with Instawallet, which is ridiculous by itself, since anybody could have access to it and operate with it if he puts the URL right there. You can see it here:

We have the Bitcoin address behind the Instawallet link!

It seems somebody donated 50µ?. At least. That's just its current balance. Let's use Block Explorer and see its transaction record:

It was used only twice

It received bitcoins once and it sent bitcoins once. It seems at most one person fell into this scam (although the 50µ? could also be from some free bitcoins website). Scam unsuccessful. But let's blockexplore the other address Mr. Thief gives us, which according to him received 1? on the 28th of January of this year:

The address has never been used!

It's never been used so it could never have received 1?. This scam is so badly set up that it makes you cry... At least nobody seems to have fallen for it in this case. And that's a good thing.

That's all folks!

Did you enjoy today's article on Bitcoin scam sites? I sure did! And remember kids, don't scam. Not only because it makes those who are tricked by your words feel bad, but because it could give reasons to new Bitcoin users to not trust our favourite cryptocurrency. And less users means less Bitcoin adoption rate and less Bitcoin value. So don't do it! If you need Bitcoins fast, check out the websites below or think about a good idea that will let you earn them honestly!

View the original article here

Blog Note: Check Older Posts For Updates

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AppId is over the quota
During the last days some of the sites that we've reviewed here have had problems or changed the way they work. We keep track of these events, so when you find that something is wrong or isn't working as it should on a web you found through us, feel free to visit this awesome blog again and check whether those reviews have been updated!

Continue reading to see some of the latest changes we've noticed!

Did You Know That...

  • Daily Bitcoins now gives you 10µ? per hour instead of 50µ? per hour?
  • CoinTube doesn't give you bitcoins for watching videos anymore?
  • NetLookup does give you a few free satoshis every day?
  • Bitcoin Faucet now delays your payments until you have accumulated 0.01??

Did you know all of the above? Uh? Did you? Did you?... Well, we knew it, and kept you updated on these changes! So again, come to us if you see something new on the webs we've reviewed (to confirm it) and leave a comment if we haven't realized yet of those changes!

View the original article here

Ei pessoal, estou aqui!

Apenas uma nota rápida: Eu não poderia escrever muito durante os próximos dias (talvez nem o "Bitcoin notícias do dia"!). Meu objetivo era escrever algo sobre Bitcoin diariamente para contanto que possível, mas minha situação de vida neste momento não me permite fazê-lo.

Diz que é a maioria dos blogs morrem dentro de alguns meses após a criação, mas este não é o caso, OK!? Eu estarei de volta logo que possível!

O mestre de Bitcoin

Ah, você acertar o salto! Então deixe-me acrescentar a esta nota que sucesso tem striken este humilde blog muito rápido e com sucesso vem spam. É por isso que eu vou moderar comentários de agora em diante. Não se preocupe se você não vê seu comentário aparecer imediatamente no futuro!

View the original article here

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota
During the last couple of days I haven't been able to get my daily dose of free bitcoins at the websites Earn Free Bitcoins and GOXKEYGEN. Are you having a similar problem? I wouldn't like to add these sites to my list of places that don't give out free bitcoins anymore...

Will they be back soon?

I have contacted the administrators of Earn Free Bitcoins to inform them of this issue. I don't know how to contact the owner of the GOXKEYGEN site... It might have been hacked. Update 1, 26/02/2013: The admin of Earn Free Bitcoins says he's got a lack of advertisers at the moment, but that this will change soon. Stay tuned! Update 2, 27/02/2013: Earn Free Bitcoins works again!

Meanwhile there are a lot more sites where you can increase your bitcoin balance for free! Check these out:

(Sorry, but today was a busy day for me and I couldn't write any reviews :-P)

View the original article here

Cryptocoin informações

Quando entrei no mundo de cryptocurrencies... foi muito difícil para mim encontrar informações sobre todos os cryptocoins existentes. Todos os dados que eu encontrei foi incompleta ou muito disseminadas em torno da Internet. Quem me dera que existisse em algum lugar onde eu podia ver claramente tudo o que eu precisava saber sobre cada moeda nova que encontrei.

Hoje você pode encontrar algumas listas com algumas informações aleatórias sobre um número aleatório de cryptocoins, mas ainda é impossível encontrar uma lista completa das características de cada cryptocurrency lançado.

No início, também foi uma dor de cabeça para configurar seu computador para a mineração estas moedas. Nem mesmo as alguns tutoriais que você poderia encontrar ajudaram muito, desde que eles se tornou obsoletos muito rápido: mineração programas de mineração dificuldade mudou, mudou, ASICs e outros hardwares de mineração aparecem, criaram-se novos algoritmos...

Hoje, é mais fácil do que antes, mas ainda não é trivial para alguém que não sabe nada sobre cryptocurrencies a minha moedas com seu computador.

Isso é porque alguns dias atrás eu decidi criar esse tipo de lugar onde tudo que você precisa saber sobre cada cryptocoin está incluído em um relatório, bem como um método simples para começar a mineração cada moeda tão rapidamente como possível. Aquele lugar é:

Espero que aqueles de vocês que estão de novo a este mundo achar útil este novo blog que criei. É favorito para referência futura!

View the original article here

domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014

Get Bitcoins For Chatting At CoinAd (4 updates)

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AppId is over the quota
Update 1, 04/03/2013: For the last 24 hours CoinAd has been inaccessible. It seems they have been hacked. I've sent @coinad a tweet to confirm this.

Update 2, 04/03/2013: Ten hours have passed and now it's back. Nobody knows what happened.

Update 3, 05/03/2013: It's broken again. I'll consider it fixed after it's up during three days in a row.

Yes, you are reading correctly. Since yesterday, CoinAd visitors who use the chat option are receiving bitcoins for doing so! Do you think it's too good to be true? Well, then look at this screenshot:

How To Proceed

  • If you haven't got an account at CoinAd yet, create it. If you don't already know this site, check out our review.
  • Log in with your account and click on the chat option at the top of the page. There's also a little link under the captcha:

+0.01mBTC FTW!

  • Chat with the rest of people you'll find there. And I really mean it; don't spam or you'll get banned forever. Every time you send a message you'll have a 25% chance of earning 10µ?, which will be added to your CoinAd account. Update 07/03/2013: The chance has been increased to 35%!

When you get the prize, the text (+0.01mBTC) will appear after your message!

  • These bitcoins are delayed until you decide to release them. After that you'll receive them in less than a day on your wallet.

40µ? for solving a captcha once per hour,
10µ? for chatting once every four messages!

Opportunity Review:

  • Expected profit: 5/5. Assuming you don't spam and keep your rate of sending messages to, let's say, four per minute, you could earn up to 14400µ?. If you don't sleep. Woo!
  • Convenience: 5/5. Chatting is easy. And fun. And interesting. Sometimes.
  • Payment speed: 2/5. You'll receive your coins in less than a day after you release your delayed balance.
  • Risk: 1/5. As getting the coins for your message is a random event, I guess there's always the possibility that you don't ever get +10µ?!
  • Final Score: 9/10. If you are ever bored or want to relax doing something that doesn't require too much thinking, go to chat to CoinAd! You'll have fun and might get some bitcoins on the way!

View the original article here

Hmmm... Poll Time! (1 update)

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AppId is over the quota
Three days ago I went to sleep and 1? = $34. When I woke up the next day it was $35.

Two days ago I went to sleep and 1? = $36. When I woke up the next day it was $40.

Yesterday I went to sleep with 1? = $40. This morning it was $46.

I guess we can expect 1? = $50 tomorrow, or during the next few hours... I'd like to hear your opinion about the future, oh beloved reader! How much will one bitcoin be worth at the end of this month?

Is this our future?

Update 1, 07/03/2013: Wow, that went down fast! :-D It was about to hit $50 when I went to sleep and during the night it went back to $42... No worries, though! That only means it will take a bit more to reach $1.000.000... ;-)

View the original article here

Get Some Coins From Omnicoins

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AppId is over the quota
How about getting more coins for your wallet today just by Liking a business on Facebook and writing your bitcoin address on their wall? With Omnicoins, you can:

This is the website. You won't
find the instructions to get free bitcoins here, though!

How To Proceed

  • You will need a Facebook account, so if you haven't joined the social network yet, do it!
  • Create a new bitcoin address to assure yourself that Omnicoins rewards you for liking their Facebook page. Or use a previous one you created to receive bitcoins once.
  • Log into Facebook. Go to Omnicoin's Facebook page and Like them. Post a message on their wall with your bitcoin address.

You'll see many people have already done this!

  • Now you only have to wait. You'll receive some coins on your wallet after a day or before.

1000µ? more. Lovely!

Opportunity Review:

  • Expected profit: 4/5. 1000µ? for you, once. Cool.
  • Convenience: 4/5. Like them, write your bitcoin address on their wall and wait. Pretty fast, isn't it?
  • Payment speed: 1/5. They'll send you your 100.000 satoshis in a day or so.
  • Risk: 0/5. There's no risk here, except if you are really concerned about security and don't want Facebook to know one of your bitcoin addresses.
  • Final Score: 8/10. It's once, it's fast and you are getting over $0.03 for doing it at the moment I'm writing this, so why should you skip this opportunity? Visit them and press "Like"! (and, since they seem to be so nice, consider buying coins from them in the future!)

View the original article here


BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p