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domingo, 26 de maio de 2019

FATF rules a boon for innovation?

Coindesk Weekly
for the week ending May 26, 2019
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The Cat & Mouse Crypto Game

Looming regulations aimed at crypto exchanges could spur a new wave of critical innovation, writes Michael J. Casey.

Read more in THE TAKEAWAY below.


Some of the big stories this week on

FACEBOOK GOING LIVE: Social media giant Facebook is set to roll out its own cryptocurrency, dubbed “GlobalCoin,” by Q1 2020, according to the BBC. The cryptocurrency-based payments system is slated for launch in “a dozen countries” with trials expected by the end of this year. Facebook has also apparently sought advice from officials of the U.S. Treasury and the Bank of England regarding opportunities and regulatory issues for the initiative. In addition, the Financial Times reports that Facebook has also been in talks with both the Coinbase and Gemini exchanges about the cryptocurrency.
Full Story

CLAIM DEBUNKED: The U.S. Copyright Office has dispelled the notion that it officially “recognized” Craig Wright as the inventor of bitcoin. “As a general rule, when the Copyright Office receives an application for registration, the claimant certifies as to the truth of the statements made in the submitted materials. The Copyright Office does not investigate the truth of any statement made,” the Copyright Office wrote in a press release. The response was prompted by Wright’s claim that, by accepting copyright registrations for bitcoin’s white paper and original code, the office had recognised him Satoshi Nakamoto. Full Story

CIRCLE CUTBACKS: Crypto startup Circle has laid off roughly 30 people, or about 10 percent of its staff, CoinDesk has learned. The company – which owns trading platform Poloniex, equity crowdfunding site SeedInvest and runs the USDC stablecoin in partnership with Coinbase – is looking to cut costs, Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire told CoinDesk. “We made these changes in response to new market conditions, most importantly, an increasingly restrictive regulatory climate in the United States,” Allaire said. “Circle remains strong and healthy.” Full Story
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The blockchain story in 2019 is beginning a new chapter, one in which the questions executives are asking are tougher, more granular, more grounded, and more pragmatic. Is blockchain ready for prime time? 1,400 executives say yes.  Learn the answers in Deloitte's 2019 Global Blockchain Survey.


In 5-10 years when we look back and consider why the next big tech sector centered itself in Asia and not in the US, it will be the SEC's unwillingness to create new rules to regulate new assets that will be the cause.
– Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures co-founder, writing about the U.S. regulatory environment surrounding crypto assets.

The Takeaway


In the relentless cat-and-mouse game between regulators and cryptocurrency developers, the cats are about to add some serious firepower – this time in the form of a global alliance.

But if you think the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force’s forthcoming know-your-customer (KYC) compliance standards spell the end for the mice, think again. If anything, the FATF’s move, expected to be released next month, will drive developers to accelerate work on non-custodial exchanges and other tools that will make it easier for end-users to transact directly outside of regulated intermediaries.

As CoinDesk Managing Editor Marc Hochstein explained last week , the new rules are likely to require exchanges and other custodial entities that take custody of their customers’ cryptocurrency to obtain identifying information about both parties before allowing a transaction over their platforms.

Functioning much like the FATF’s “travel rule” for correspondent banks, the new regulatory approach would be backed by the task force member institutions’ unique powers to “graylist”– and ultimately blacklist – entire countries if they are judged to be non-compliant.


When combined with the European Union’s forthcoming AMLD5 anti-money laundering rules for cryptocurrencies, the new framework conjures up the image of an all-encompassing global system for cryptocurrency transactions in which no one user is unaccounted for.

‘Satoshi’s vision’ destroyed?

Libertarian-minded cryptocurrency believers will view this as an abominable surveillance system that contravenes the censorship-resistant principles upon which bitcoin was built.

From a practical perspective, the new rules are going to be a burdensome imposition on custody-handling exchanges. It may well spur industry consolidation as smaller players may find the compliance costs too high. Blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis, which counts regulatory agencies among its clients, argued in a submission to the FATF that the new rules are impractical and would drive more activity in cryptocurrencies into services that make it much harder for authorities to track illicit activity.

The rules could also, sadly, add to the “de-risking” problem that excludes billions of under-identified people in developing countries from the global financial system.

But all is not lost. In most countries, there is nothing illegal about holding cryptocurrency itself under your own custody. And, as was clarified in guidelines recently published by the Financial Crime Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, the world’s regulatory institutions won’t, for now at least, be imposing the same KYC requirements on providers of self-custody wallet software.

What is likely to emerge, then, in parallel to the FATF-regulated ecosystem of regulated custody-taking institutions, is an entirely separate economy of peer-to-peer exchanges among people who control their own cryptocurrency.

If you hold your coins with Coinbase, you will no longer be able to send or receive crypto to or from just any old bitcoin address if it has been through a KYC process. Once you move your funds into a non-custodial account, you’ll be free to send them to any self-custody address, but if you’ve never formally associated your identity with that address via a regulated entity, you won’t be able to transact with a Coinbase address or one administered by any other regulated custody provider.

The point, though, is that this otherwise draconian regulatory framework still leaves room for Satoshi’s vision of a peer-to-peer payments system. And with more work on technical and business model development, that system could still become sizable.

In fact, the new rules could be a catalyst for developers to more urgently tackle the core technical and logistical challenges that have limited the adoption of self-custody cryptocurrency wallets. These challenges fall under the categories of security, market coordination and fiat on-ramps, all three of which are currently showing significant progress.


A key incentive for people to hold their cryptocurrency with custodial services such as Coinbase has been an unwillingness to risk either misplacing their private keys or having them stolen. Stories of hacks and loss abound and have long discouraged newbies from “being their own bank.”

In recent years, secure hardware wallets such as Ledger and Trezor have made it easier for people to control their assets without exposing their private keys to online hackers. But security experts claim to have found vulnerabilities. And the user experience is still far from convenient for the non-savvy.

Still, a new generation of smartphones that employ military grade security and end-to-end encryption should make it easier to securely hold cryptocurrency, locally, on a device that easily connects to the Internet for global payments. HTC led the way in this technology. Samsung is now catching up.

Phone makers are employing sophisticated, locally stored biometric proofs to indelibly tie control to a user. When combined with multi-signature technologies, human-friendly key recovery solutions such seed phrases kept with trusted associates, and a bit of education, the risk of loss can be reduced to an immaterial level.

Other changes to the ecosystem, such as decentralized insurance programs and more aggressive measures to hold phone carriers to account for “SIM swap” attacks such as the one that led Michael Terpin into a lengthy legal battle with a hacker and AT&T, will also boost confidence.


Over time, more and more people are going to feel more comfortable managing their own key custody.

Market coordination and fiat on-ramps

The next challenge is to reduce the widespread dependence on custody-based exchanges.


Cryptocurrency users need to efficiently find buyers and sellers, and until now, that has left them dependent on centralized exchanges, which are key targets of the new regulations.

The answer lies in the rapidly growing field of decentralized exchanges, where custody is retained by the investor and where technologies such as atomic swaps allow seamless peer-to-peer transfer of assets without either party being able to defraud the other.

As a nascent technology, DEXs currently struggle to attract the liquidity of the larger centralized exchanges, which makes them less attractive. But with Binance having launched a beta version, there is likely to be rapid development in this space.

Meanwhile, Boston-based startup Arwen has launched a protocol that would give investors access to the matching engines of large centralized exchanges but allows them to retain custody through a smart contract solution that locks up their coins in escrow. KuCoin has integrated a beta version of the technology into its exchange.

Even if decentralized exchanges and self-custody trading can help crypto-to-crypto transactions stay out of the regulatory net, they won’t solve the related problem of access to fiat currency. For the moment, that’s a service that has been almost solely provided by regulated, centralized exchanges.

The solution lies with the new batch of stablecoins, where dollar-pegged tokens such MakerDAO’s algorithmic solution, Dai, are competing with reserves-backed stablecoins such as those of Gemini, Paxos and a consortium led by Circle and Coinbase.

In theory, there’s nothing technical stopping these stable-value tokens from moving in and out of unidentified self-custody wallets, which offers a way around the fiat on-ramp problem by enabling access to de facto dollars, if not actual dollars. Only when users redeem them for actual greenbacks via the token-issuing companies will they drop into a regulated environment and have to identify themselves.

Facebook vs banks?

Now, all these services must be underpinned by real fiat resources, which means that stablecoin providers and DEX software providers will still need bank accounts. And given banks’ ongoing reluctance to support cryptocurrency businesses, obtaining them could be a potential obstacle to startups looking to grow of this ecosystem.

In this way, banks could continue to be the wedge with which regulators impose limits on the otherwise unregulated cryptocurrency industry.

But as I’ve argued elsewhere , banks’ growing interest in other blockchain developments, such as in making markets in tokenized equity and bond offerings, is going to induce them to support tokenized payments. This will eventually demand a more friendly approach to some of these service providers, especially stablecoins.

Most banks won’t want to cede the future of digital fiat payments to a competing bank such as JPMorgan , and they’ll be reluctant to let Facebook turn its more than 2 billion active users into an instant global payment network that bypasses banks. Ironically, that could draw them closer to rebel providers of these self-custody-enabling services.

The Tom and Jerry show will continue, in other words. Don’t change the dial.



COMING SOON: Russia’s central bank believes that an upcoming law on digital assets is  almost complete  and will be adopted in the current spring session, according to TASS. Olga Skorobogatova, first deputy chairperson of the Bank of Russia, said “The law on digital financial assets, on crowdfunding, etc., all these bills are in a fairly high degree of readiness ... [They] are extremely important for the country and will provide an opportunity to implement new projects.”

WATCH OUT: Fraudsters beware. The world’s oldest watchmaker, Vacheron Constantin, is turning to blockchain to  help tackle fakes  and guarantee the authenticity of its timepieces. According to Robb Report, the Swiss firm hopes that the move will also boost the value of its luxury products on the secondary market. “Blockchain certification serves to avoid paper authentication, which can easily be forged,” the company said.

HIGH SOCIETY: "In his Midtown office, with weed paraphernalia on every shelf, he kept three bongs on his desk — and was toking from one as he met the millionaires." That's the New York Post's rather cinematic description of a young Charlie Shrem's first 2012 encounter with Winklevoss brothers in a  preview of " Bitcoin Billionaires ," Ben Mezrich's just-released book chronicling the squared-jawed twins' adventures in crypto-land.    



CoinDesk Meetups will host London Bitcoin Devs on Feb 6. Come and hear Eric Voskuil and James Chiang talk about their work on libbitcoin.

The leader in cryptocurrency news and events, CoinDesk has been following the world's first cryptocurrency closely since its earliest days, and this week, we launched our largest-ever offering – 40 pieces of original content – to mark the historic moment.

An unprecedented project that combines video, audio and text, Bitcoin At 10: Untold Stories is filled with history and reflections from scores of early adopters, evangelists and insiders, allowing you to relive the crypto revolution with a front-row seat.

Bitcoin at 10: Untold Stories includes...

VIDEO: A tipsy history with the man who coined the term 'HODL,' the bitcoin buzzword that's become a rallying cry throughout the crypto industry.

MEAN TWEETS: Bitcoin's biggest celebrities reading the pointed words of those who love to hate them on Twitter.

AUDIO: An interview with the man who has watched bitcoin die more than 300 times... and lived to tell the tale.

SPECIAL REPORTS: Deep dives into the stories that led to the creation of bitcoin's core technological innovations and the sometimes mysterious figures behind them.

LISTS: What are the best bitcoin memes? The best entries in its sprawling community lexicon? We'll be counting down the best of the decade.

But this is just the beginning. In the weeks and months ahead, we'll be publishing even more articles, videos and audio segments that put a spotlight on bitcoin, the world-changing software project that started it all.

FOLLOW OUR FEATURE: #BitcoinAt10 and view the series here.

We also recently launched a new Twitter feed, @CoinDeskMovers, documenting significant hires, departures and executive searches in the blockchain and crypto space. If you just got a new job in the industry, if you're hiring or you want to share a tip on a major personnel move, send the account a direct message or email

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BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p