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domingo, 28 de julho de 2019

The global privacy dilemma

Coindesk Weekly
for the week ending July 28, 2019
Coindesk Weekly

The KYC problem is bigger than Libra

Libra's dilemma with being both pro-privacy and pro-KYC is bigger than just one project, writes Michael J. Casey.

Read more in THE TAKEAWAY below.


Some of the big stories this week on
GREEN LIGHT: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has issued a no-action letter to Pocketful of Quarters (PoQ), a gaming startup looking to issue tokens on the ethereum blockchain. PoQ may legally sell its Quarters tokens to consumers without registering them as securities, the SEC Division of Corporation Finance wrote in its second no-action letter regarding a token sale (The first was granted in April to TurnKey Jet, a business-travel startup). Quarters are built according to ethereum’s ERC-20 standard – the first such token to receive U.S. regulatory approval.  Full story
ABRA'S BIND:  Crypto investment app Abra has been forced to make changes to the services it offers U.S. customers over “regulatory uncertainty and restrictions” in the country. In a blog update on Thursday, the firm said the adjustments comes “in an effort to continue to be compliant and cooperative with US regulations as they currently exist.” The changes will mean U.S. users won’t be able to use the firm’s “synthetic assets” after Aug. 29, meaning they will no longer be able to “hold” Qtum (QTUM), bitcoin gold (BTG), EOS, OmiseGo (OMG), and status (SNT). In New York state, the fiat funding options have also been reduced.  Full story
SENATE SCRUTINY:  Following last week's examination of Facebook's Libra project, the Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing on regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies and blockchain next week. The committee announced it would hold an open session titled “Examining Regulatory Frameworks for Digital Currencies and Blockchain” on July 30, though it is unclear if this would be a fact-finding mission or if any specific pieces of legislation would be discussed. Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire, representing the Blockchain Association; Rebecca Nelson, a member of the Congressional Research Service; and Mehrsa Baradaran, a professor at the University of California Irvine School of Law, will testify as expert witnesses.  Full story

MINING WELCOME: Iran is officially recognizing cryptocurrency mining as an industry within its borders. A government economic commission approved crypto mining on Sunday, with the government now looking for ways to regulate this activity within its existing legal structure. Similarly, deputy minister energy for electricity and energy Homayun Haeri said government ministers will vote on a measure to approve an electricity rate for mining farms.  Full story
HYPE REGRET: Tron founder Justin Sun has issued a public apology for overhyping a cryptocurrency industry event. Sun published a letter on Weibo in Chinese on Thursday, saying he “sincerely apologizes to the public, media, officials and regulatory authorities” for “over-marketing,” especially of his highly-anticipated charity lunch with billionaire investor Warren Buffett. “During the whole process, I went from being excited, to worried, agonized and then terrified and regretful. … It led to a negative influence on the public and also drew concerns from regulators who care about me. Again I want to say: I am sorry,” he said.  Full story


We are trying to provide a safe and stable and well-regulated product, so that’s always been the strategy and we’ll continue to engage here."
– Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on a recent earnings call where he discussed Libra and the company's approach to talking with regulators.

The Takeaway

Michael J. Casey is the chairman of CoinDesk’s advisory board and a senior advisor for blockchain research at MIT’s Digital Currency Initiative.

Caribbean governments, for example, complain that their economies have increasingly suffered “de-risking,” as tougher compliance has stanched investment flows to the islands.


The consequences are even more severe for poorer countries, where state-led IDs are either non-existent or easily forged. The heavy scrutiny that foreign banks apply to their counterparties in FATF-labeled “high-risk jurisdictions” means the bar for businesses and individuals in those countries to obtain local banking services is very high. It’s a key reason why 2 billion people worldwide are considered “unbanked.”


This, of course, has a negative impact on poverty, which in turn feeds crime and terrorism – the very problems AML-CFT is intended to fight.


Consider Somalia, a failed state whose institutions are often blacklisted by the world’s biggest banks. It’s difficult and costly for Somalian expats to send money home to family members who rely on such remittances. This perpetuates poverty, drives people into informal payment systems and fosters the disenfranchising economic conditions in which terrorist organizations such as the Somali-based Al Shabaab thrive.


Talk about a perverse effect.


Is cryptocurrency the answer?


The Cypherpunk answer is to say, screw governments. People should use bitcoin, since it enables peer-to-peer digital payments without the intermediation of a regulated entity.


The problem lies at the crypto on- and off-ramps, where government surveillance has become ever more intense. The FATF’s new “travel rule” says cryptocurrency exchanges should be required to obtain information, not only about their customers but also on their customers’ customers, forcing cross-exchange information-sharing. This suggests the only environment where cryptocurrency transactions will be free from KYC exists solely between self-custody wallets. The minute a transaction touches the custodial structure that underpins most exchanges, cryptocurrency will be subject to KYC reporting.


Decentralized exchanges, or DEXes, which provide price and matching services but take no custody of clients’ coins, might be a way around this problem. Recent FinCEN guidance excluded them from the definition of regulated money service businesses in the U.S.


However, cryptocurrency advocacy group Coin Center has raised concerns that the FATF’s definition of regulated “virtual asset service providers” includes a vague reference to entities which “transfer” funds. Vagueness creates uncertainty, which as we’ve seen with bank compliance officers, is toxic to risk appetites.  Many lawyers will advise their DEX clients to impose KYC to be on the safe side.


Also, with Helsinki-based LocalBitcoins announcing new KYC rules this year due to a new Finnish anti-money laundering law, it has become much harder for people to find each other in person and agree on a price for exchanging cryptocurrency for fiat without being officially surveilled.


In any case, it’s simply impractical for people in the developing world to use bitcoin as their main unit of account and medium of exchange. Perhaps Libra, with its basket-based stability mechanism, could evolve into a day-to-day payment vehicle, but as we saw from David Marcus’s testimony to Congress, that corporate-backed project will require KYC.


Bottom line: the poor need an easy-access fiat on-ramp.


Monitoring tech advances


We’re back to square one: financial inclusion goals suffer at the expense of governments’ crime-fighting objectives. 


One could argue governments should decriminalize money – combat the actual crimes of drug trafficking, arms dealing, and so forth, but treat the right to exchange value as a human right. Let’s be realistic, though: that isn’t going to happen.


So, how to escape this vicious cycle? The answer may lie in blockchain technology’s own capacity to track transfers between pseudonymous accounts – though not as currently applied.


For some time, transaction-trackers such as Elliptic and Chainalysis have helped law enforcement agencies trace cryptocurrency payments to and from bad guys and provided rigorous AML monitoring audit services to companies.


Now, newcomers such as the Coral Protocol and CipherTrace are using high-tech network analyses and cryptographic protections to help businesses share cryptocurrency metadata to flag suspicious behavior without revealing their customers’ personal identifying information, or PII. These could make it easier for companies to comply with the FATF travel rule and generally create a more sophisticated, systemic analysis of risk. Quite apart from KYC rules, there’s real value here for a cryptocurrency economy increasingly dominated by “bots."


Still, there’s no way around the law. At the on- and off-ramps, customers must be IDed. And, under order from a law enforcement agency armed with these sophisticated tracking tools, a firm must crack open the black box and release the PII to the authorities.


A new mindset


What if, though, governments concede that it’s both impossible and unnecessary to formally identify poor people at the on and off-ramps? What if they accepted an AML model that treats the endpoints as unidentified nodes and, drawing on these new analytic tools, actively managed access to networks based on behavior not identity?


Here, ongoing research in machine learning and high-performance computing by the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab in collaboration with Elliptic could be a catalyst. As described by lab researcher Mark Weber, the team uses an approach known as “graph convolutional networks” to create enhanced money flow forensics to address the challenges posed by the “complex layering and obfuscation schemes utilized by sophisticated criminal networks.”


Mapping a massive pool of bitcoin transactions, the researchers have isolated patterns that distinguish between illicit and licit behavior. In a forthcoming paper, they posit their work as a contribution to financial inclusion goals.


One day businesses might use such tools to control access points to cryptocurrency networks without applying traditional KYC, ensuring that good guys get financial services but bad guys don’t, even if neither is furnishing an official ID.


Would regulators go for it? Not, it would seem, under the current mindset. Compliance is used to identify and catch criminals, not as way to control access per se. If anything, the regulatory trend has been toward a greater dependence on state ID and ever more conservative treatment of “high-risk” poor people by financial institutions.


Cryptocurrency compliance expert Juan Llanos complains that regulators “are not open to innovation.”  He adds, “As long as government ID is the standard, we are going to have this problem. Anything anonymous is controversial and not allowed. It’s very unfortunate.”


Still, the FATF’s latest round of deliberations did contain one olive branch to innovators: a willingness to explore the potential for “digital identity provided by governments or by the private sector.” Combine that “private sector” line with a brief reference in Libra’s white paper to “portable digital identity” as a financial inclusion solution, and one can at least imagine financial and tech companies such as those the Libra Association's members hashing out an onboarding solution for the poor that no longer depends on the outdated notion of state IDs.


This approach won’t satisfy hardline privacy advocates, who rightly view exchange as a human right.


But as a pragmatic solution, it’s perhaps the best hope that the world’s 2 billion unbanked have.  

— Michael J Casey


NATIONAL POST: The Ndrangheta mafia family is decentralizing to survive and  now appears  like a “criminal blockchain,” Italian investigators claim. A report from Canada’s National Post cites an analogy used in Italian court documents that describe the new power-structure as a 'blockchain.' Apparently, after the death of the group’s leader, some Ndrangheta moved to Canada. And while traditionally, they would have taken orders from “mother clans” in Calabria, Italy, the distributed branch is itself giving orders to back home. “The governing body of the Siderno branch no longer operates only in Calabria, transmitting orders abroad, but also does so directly on Canadian soil, to give it a more effective and efficient command structure,” said the court documents.


CoinDesk Meetups

From Austrian economics to the Lightning network, the Bitcoin Core Training course is aimed at developers who want to get a comprehensive grounding in bitcoin. The course is organised by London Bitcoin Devs and @BitKnow, and it's happening Sept 18-19 in London.

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BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

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DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p