
BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p

terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2020

Hello Carlos,

Do you know what the first rule of cryptoland is?

  • Never invest more than what you can afford to lose.

Do you know the second rule?

  • Never, buy cryptos if you don't know how to keep them safe and secure.

If you follow these two golden rules you will make a fortune here. And the fact that you are reading this tells me that you have already invested in crypto but beware if aren't in line with the second rule because you can lose everything in a blink of an eye.

It is so because security is a majorly growing concern that the cryptocurrency community faces today. The brave new wave of hackers, malware, ransomware, and scams has converted the virtual world into a war zone that is brimming with financial threats.

That's why we have put together a comprehensive security guide that will not only help you secure your cryptocurrencies but also teach you how to invest responsibly.

For now, go ahead and enjoy this article. Also, don't forget to share this email with your friends and family who don't know how to secure their cryptocurrencies.

I will see you in the next email with something that will help you be on the top of this diverse cryptoland.

Harsh Agrawal

Ta Da!

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BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p