Should you buy Bitcoin today… or wait?

Bitcoin is up one day, down the next.

And rumors abound. 

On one hand, you have the bears. They say that Bitcoin will drop below $30k… $20k… even $10k.

Then you have the bounce crowd… 

Those preparing for Bitcoin to skyrocket to $70k and above practically overnight.

It can be very difficult to filter out the noise and make the right call. But if you hesitate, you'll miss the best opportunity to multiply your capital we've seen in years! 

That's why on Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern/11:00am Pacific, I'm tuning into Bryce Paul's "Emergency State of Crypto" broadcast. 

Bryce is the co-host of the world's largest crypto podcast, Crypto 101.

More importantly, I've used his tips this year to generate enormous returns. Following his advice, I took profits before the massive dump, saving myself a fortune. Now I'm tuning into the broadcast to find out what to do next.

He's going to give you the inside knowledge you need to place strategic buys on Bitcoin at the perfect time. 

In this "Emergency State of Crypto", he'll show you why Bitcoin dipped so strongly, and where it's heading next.

And that's just the beginning...

He's also going to reveal exactly how to find "boomerang coins"... 

These are the red-hot cryptos that'll bounce back the fastest, bringing savvy investors exponential gains as they do.

He's putting a focus on risk reduction, as well as earning back any losses in record time. 

All you need to watch on Thursday is a complimentary ticket.

But your time to get one is quickly running out. 

Don't put this off:

Claim your complimentary ticket to the "Emergency State of Crypto" webinar Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern/11:00am Pacific now.

This dip is a major opportunity.

And the decisions you make today will impact your finances for a long time to come.

Get the full story on Thursday so you can act with confidence.

Use the Bitcoin