
BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014

Site Review: CoinURL

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In addition to the many websites that give you bitcoins for free or for doing very simple tasks, there are other ways to earn bitcoins without too much hassle. For example, by advertising other webs through CoinURL, which you can consider a mix between Google AdSense and for the bitcoin world. You won't even need your own website to earn bitcoins with CoinURL! Let's have a look at how all of this works:

How It Works:

  • CoinURL lets you insert ads in your website or blog, like Google AdSense. When somebody clicks on these ads, you get paid a certain amount of bitcoins. However you do not get any kind of payment for impressions; the ad they put on your page could be viewed a million times, but if nobody clicks on it you won't get anything. This is a CoinURL 125x125 ad:

  • CoinURL also gives you the option to shorten links, like; when you share those links and somebody clicks on them, they'll see for several seconds an advertisement. You'll receive a few satoshis for every one of those clicks. You won't get any substantial amount if your marketing skills aren't quite good though, since what you make depends on the volume of people that clicks your links. This is a shortened link:
  • It's also possible to advertise yourself through CoinURL and the webs that show its ads, but I haven't tried this option personally.
  • You may withdraw your earnings at any moment, but if you withdraw more than 0.1? per month they'll take a 25% commission.

Don't worry about commissions; withdraw 0.09999999? at the end of the month!

Best Strategy:

Ad Slots

  • If you have a website, create some ad slots, get their code and insert it in your web. Let's see how this is done:

This is the overview of your account

Among the options on your left, click on "My ad slots"
under the "CONTENT" section

Click now on "Create slot". Give a name to your slot and select its dimensions.
Leave the rest as it is. Click on "Create"!

You can see the slots you've created at "My ad slots" - "Overview"

In order to get the code of a slot, click on the little gear and select "Show code"

Now you only need to select the code and insert it in your web!

  • Do not place the ads where they might be annoying for your visitors.
  • Don't try to mislead or encourage your visitors to click on the ads.
  • Do not click yourself on your ads either: you'll get caught and be banned!
  • Try that the ads are relevant to the content of the page where you place them.

Shorten URLs

  • No matter whether you have a website or not, you can use CoinURL's URL shortening method to earn some bitcoins. This is the way to do it:

Under the "TOOLS" section, click on "Shorten URL"

Write a URL on the text field and click on "Shorten"

Go to "CONTENT" - "My links" to check that the link was correctly
created and assigned to your account

  • Now select and copy the link (it will have the format "[FourCharactersOrNumbers]"). Share it on forums, social networks like Twitter and Facebook, YouTube comments, etc.
  • Do not spam.
  • Create interesting content to go along your links.
  • Contribute to a better web!
  • You'll receive your payment around two days after you order a withdrawal.

Or almost three days...

Site Review:

  • Expected profit: 3/5. This depends on how effective your marketing skills are and how good your web content is. Ads won't give you much, since they are almost ever clicked. Shortened URLs are far more effective.
  • Convenience: 2/5. You have to create the shortened links, the ad slots and the content to go with them.
  • Payment speed: 0/5. You'll receive your payment a couple of days after you order a withdrawal. They process payments manually.
  • Risk: 2/5. If nobody cares about your ads or links you'll have lost your time. It's up to you to make good and interesting content that leads people to your links and ad slots.
  • Final Score: 8/10. CoinURL is an advertising platform that pays you in bitcoins for showing ads. It's probably the most extended advertising system of the bitcoin world and works pretty well. However, what you earn depends a lot on your ability to create great web content; it's not going to give you bitcoins for free!

View the original article here

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BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p