
BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014

Site Review: CoinVisitor (2 updates)

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota
Update 1, 10/03/2013: CoinVisitor has been down for 24 hours. I sent them a tweet to ask the reason.

Update 2, 11/03/2013: CoinVisitor works again...

Let's have a look today at one more site that gives you free bitcoins for visiting websites. CoinVisitor follows a scheme a bit different from other similar places like BitVisitor, Earn Free Bitcoins or BitCoin4YOU:

How It Works:

  • CoinVisitor gives you free bitcoins after you input your Bitcoin address, visit a website during a certain amount of time and solve an image captcha.
  • You'll earn from 5µ? to 4500µ? every time you do this; most of the times it's 15µ? or 30µ?. However, after several websites you'll notice it'll say at the top of the page "Current visit value: FREE". When that happens, you'll get nothing if you continue visiting sites and solving captchas.

I only visit webs when the visit value is different to FREE...

This is almost a loss of time (keep reading)...

  • There's a countdown at the upper left corner indicating the time you must be at each website; it could be 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds and I once was 300 seconds. When it reaches zero, an image captcha will load; in order to solve it, you'll have to select the image that doesn't belong to the set. Let's see some examples:

When this countdown ends, you'll solve an original captcha!

The wrong one here is the mushroom, because it can never have leaves

The wrong one here is the giraffe (or is it a llama?), because its background is white

The wrong one here is the elephant, because it's far bigger than the others

The wrong one here is the arrow, because it has no legs

The wrong ones here are the boats, because you can't use them for eating

  • If you fail the image captcha, you'll have to enter a verbal captcha:

I though I had all the previous captchas right...

Grrrrr! Boring...

  • When the current visit value is FREE you might get a prize after visiting many websites. You can redeem it by solving one more image captcha:


It's funny that they divide Bitcoins up to hundredths of satoshi...


  • Your payments are delayed, but you may request a payout at any moment.

Best Strategy:

  • Create a new Bitcoin address only to receive bitcoins from CoinVisitor. This way you can assure yourself that they are actually paying you.
  • Bookmark the site. You only have to introduce your Bitcoin address once. The site will remember it for your future visits.
  • When you get up, visit the site, watch the wesites it pushes to your browser and solve the captchas. Since there's no possibility to know whether there are new websites for you to check out, do this several times during the day. I personally do it when I get up, after lunch and right before going to sleep. When the visit value turns to FREE, leave the site. Don't try to go for prizes.
  • You don't really have to browse the websites. You could have them on one tab of your browser while you wait for the countdown to end doing other things on other tabs. However, some sites contain good information, so don't dismiss them automatically.
  • Request a payment whenever you like.

You've got to solve one more captcha to request your payment

I prefer not to request it until I've reached thousands of microbitcoins

Site Review:

  • Expected profit: 3/5. Around 200µ? per day. Not much, but since you don't have to wait several minutes on each site...
  • Convenience: 4/5. The image captchas are kind of fun to solve (at least when you first visit the site) and the wait times are low.
  • Payment speed: 3/5. You'll receive your payment several hours after you order a payout.
  • Risk: 0/5. None at all; this is a website that gives out free bitcoins.
  • Final Score: 7/10. CoinVisitor uses image captchas and makes you wait very little on each page. Its rewards for doing so are also lower than on other sites, but it's so fast to get them that doing so is worth your time.

View the original article here

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BTC: bc1qxv3stg0xha9upurf7h4aqnmg3xjn3h0zk28kpe

ETH: 0x01870296774Fb0A2DbF9b44d2E6a57fb8Ccea070

LTC: LQ44CP6xDDkX5bAiKd3yqmDB4c23U7orrQ

DOGE: DCpu9v1bkTXj8VKUDG97LHdV2qipDPyZsR

ADA: addr1qx4q7348dv2ju5zshee9ru23ssmqhyyjlnxe0xlezjq5we42par2w6c49eg9p0nj28c4rppkpwgf9lxdj7dlj9ypganqtmuu2p